Author Archives: admin
Fake news, fake interviews with Dr. P :-)
The reporter accidentally makes it look like I was interviewed by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
Leaving Facebook
Dr. P’s explanation about how to leave Facebook. While you are at it, do not forget to take my survey. Just kidding!
The death of network neutrality
Dr. Molina’s comments on CBS about Facebook’s collection of nude pictures to prevent revenge porn
Preventing revenge porn is good. Making sure that it is done in the right way is important.
Dr. Pablo G. Molina’s interview in Spanish about national cyber security
Countries must have cyber security strategies.
Cyber security in Latin America
Dr. Pablo Molina offers an interview in Spanish about a cyber security workshop for civil servants in Honduras:
On the Equifax breach: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Entrevista en contra de la orden de registro de una compañía de internet
En esta entrevista opino en contra de la orden de registro de una compañía de internet solicitada por fiscales federales que investigan los incidentes durante la inauguración del presidente Trump.